The heart of a parish is the Eucharist, but the parish family is the body that makes it a unique and vibrant community with an exciting parish life.
St. Mary Parish has many active ministries for all ages. Our parishioners work to spread the Gospel and dedicate our time, talents and treasure for JESUS' mission. We invite you to look over the list of ministries below to see which ones might interest you. Click here to fill out a ministry interest form.
Parish Administration Council
The advisory board to the parish business manager is comprised of the following committees: administration, buildings and grounds, cemetery, charitable disbursement, financial planning and offertory counters. This commission provides a forum for planning, research, coordinating and offering expert advice in regard to all financial affairs, human resources and physical properties of the parish community. Members are recommended to the Pastor by the business manager on the basis of their demonstrated financial expertise and business acumen, which is beneficial to the overall operations and development of the resources of the parish community.
Offertory Counters
After each weekend, a group of approximately 4-5 parishioners help count the Sunday collection on a rotating basis. Your commitment will be about once a month. The counters meet at 9:00 a.m. on Mondays for about two hours. Many hands make for light work! It's a great way to help your parish! Contact Leticia Clark, 708-326-9311 to help.
L'Alto Young Adult Network
The young adult ministry is a Catholic community of single or married men and women in their 20's and 30's. Together the group grows in their faith through prayer, service and worship. If you are new to the parish, new to the general area, or looking to get involved we would love for you to join us to share in faith and fellowship! Please refer to the parish calendar or bulletin for upcoming events.
Men's Ministry
All men are invited to participate in monthly gatherings. Come as often as you are available - no commitment necessary. Men gather every month for 8:00 a.m. Mass followed by a delicious hot breakfast in the church hall. Various speakers come throughout the year to give a presentation on the faith, followed by small group discussions. Check the parish bulletin or website for more information. Contact to be added to the email list.
Mom's Podcast Club
This is a group for moms of school-aged children and younger. We meet once a month for a couple hours on a weekday morning to discuss an episode of a podcast we listed to prior to the meeting. Children are welcome. Toys and coloring books are available. Snacks and coffee are also provided. This group is a great way to connect with other women in the season of raising children. Contact with any questions.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program serves to guide people in their faith journey into the Catholic Church and welcomes those who want to make their Baptism or convert to Catholicism. RCIA is typically from September through May, as a series of weekly classes. Volunteers are needed to serve as sponsors, to share their faith, and to help with refreshments, set up and overall support. Contact Megan at for more information.
Scripture Study
Scripture informs our beliefs and inspires our devotions. It is the living Word of God, where our Father meets with us and lovingly speaks to us. Our Scripture Study Program changes each year to offer a variety of topics.
Meet: Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. or Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall.
Welcome Weekend
Formerly known as Christ Renews His Parish, is a spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus and with others in their faith community. It is an excellent opportunity for Catholics to renew their understanding of the basic beliefs and traditions of their faith. Men and Women over 21 years old are invited to attend the weekend. Information will be posted in the bulletin and on the website.
Women's Ministry
All women are invited to participate in these gatherings. Come as often as you are available - no commitment necessary. Various speakers come throughout the year to give a presentation on the faith, followed by small group discussions. Contact to be added to the email list.
Community Life
Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
The Council of Catholic Women acts through its affiliated organizations to support, empower and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. CCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.
The Knights of Columbus are the world's largest Catholic family fraternal service organization. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities and provide assistance to needy families and organizations in the community. Monthly meetings provide social and intellectual fellowship.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Volunteers are welcome to help knit and crochet shawls and distribute them to individuals who are sick, homebound or anyone in need. The shawls are created as a reminder that Our Lord is always by their side to embrace them during their time of need. Basic knitting and crocheting skills are needed, however on-site training and materials are provided. All ages are welcome.
Stay & Play
Stay and Play is an informal gathering open to all families with children and meets once a month after the 9:30 Mass (see bulletin for dates). In nice weather we gather at Willowview Park across from St. Mary's. In the colder months we meet in the church hall. Coffee and snacks provided, as well as an activity for kids during the winter.
Young at Heart
The Young at Heart organization strives to create community through social events. Membership comes from local communities and includes seniors from various faiths. Come join us for fun and friendship!
Christmas Giving Tree
Gift tags for the poor are taken from the Giving Tree during the month of December. Gifts are returned before Christmas. Volunteers sort and deliver the gift donations to several community organizations.
Food Drives
Volunteers sort, pack and deliver the food donations to several local missions and food pantries.
Greeter Ministry
We are looking for friendly, outgoing individuals to arrive 20 minutes early to Mass, sign in, wear a special name tag and welcome all of our parishioners to the St. Mary Family. YOU can be that vibrant light our church needs. To register contact
Homebound Helpers
Volunteers in this ministry provide meals, rides to appointments and/or visitation to homebound parishioners. To volunteer contact
Joliet Daybreak Center
Parish volunteers work as a team to cook and serve dinner on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Joliet Catholic Charities homeless shelter located in Joliet. This group meets the fourth Wednesday of each month in the church hall to cook.
Ministers of Care
Volunteers in this ministry visit our parishioners in healthcare institutions and the homebound. The Ministers of Care bring the Blessed Sacrament to our parishioners who are unable to come to Mass. Training is available throughout the year. to volunteer contact
Prayer Line
The Prayer Line consists of volunteers who promise to pray everyday for the intentions given to the Prayer Line. The intentions or requests can be submitted by telephone. Volunteers receive the requests by phone or email and may be asked to pass the request along to other volunteers. All requests are confidential. Volunteers may also promise to pray each day without receiving the daily notification. To volunteer contact
Pro-Life Committee
Volunteers raise awareness of Respect Life programs through fundraising and various other activities such as Diaper Drive, Baby Bottle Drive, 40 Days for Life and Life Chains.
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Support offers the opportunity to join others who have lost a loved one. There are two groups. Please call 708-326-9312 to register.
Helpful Outreach for People Seeking Employment (HOPE)
This support group provides resume and other job seeking assistance. Volunteers offer support, inspiration and practical job-hunting information.
Meet: First Tuesday of each month 7:00 p.m. St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, 9300 W, 167th Street, Orland Hills.
Third Thursday of each month 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of the Woods Parish, 10731 W. 131st Street, Orland Park
Mokena-Marley FISH
A local, community-based "helping hand" for people in need. Food, clothing, counsel and overnight shelter are available to township residents through the Will County Crisis Line. For assistance call either 815-469-4907.
All Religious Education Volunteers over age 18 are required to attend the Protecting God's Children Training for Adults or provide a copy of their certificate. A background check is also required for all volunteers.
Catechist, K-8
Catechists volunteer to teach children enrolled in the St. Mary Religious Education Program about our Catholic faith, prayer life, liturgy, and tradition. Catechists also prepare the children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist (grade 2).
Religious Ed meets September through May once a week. Catechist training and lesson plans are provided. to volunteer contact
Catechist Assistant, K-8
Catechist Assistants help the catechist in the classroom. The duties of an assistant include taking attendance, listening to prayers, and assisting the catechist with the children as needed. Adults and teens under 18 years old can be an assistant.
Religious Education Program for Children with Disabilities (R.E.A.C.H.)
St. Mary Parish Religious Education Program for Children with significant disabilities is called R.E.A.C.H. Children meet with their Catechist thirteen Sunday mornings (9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.) during the Religious Education Program year.
Office Assistant
This volunteer position is for those willing to assist in the program by monitoring the halls before and during class, checking attendance, assisting in the office and helping with safety patrol in the parking lot at dismissal .
Baptism Prep
The baptismal preparation class is offered once per month to prepare families for baptizing their baby. Volunteers are needed to help prepare parents for their child's special day and to review baptism requirements with families.
To register for a baptismal prep class, contact the Parish Secretary at 708-326-9305. To inquire about joining the Baptismal Prep Team, contact Danielle Kuboushek at
Volunteered married couples are needed to mentor an engaged couple in the preparation of marriage. The marriage preparation process is designed to guide engaged couples towards a sacramental marriage celebration and provide essential tools to live out this lifelong covenant.
Couples are needed to help facilitate Pre-Cana sessions and/or to review FOCCUS questionnaires with engaged couples. The FOCCUS questionnaire is a pre-marriage inventory, in which a mentor couple reviews the results with the engaged couple. The review is scheduled based on the mentor couple and engaged couple's availability. Pre-Cana sessions are offered several times a year as needed; usually on weeknights.
Altar Server
Parish children, once they are in 5th grade, may volunteer to be an altar server. Altar servers receive proper training prior to assisting the priest during weekend Masses and other special occasions. Servers carry the processional cross and candles, present the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, and perform other duties to assist the priest or deacon as necessary.
Art & Environment
This group designs and creates the environment for worship. Volunteers assist mostly at Easter and Christmas to prepare the worship space. Talent is not absolutely necessary as there are other tasks as well. To volunteer contact
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy of the Word is held during 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass from October through early May. Volunteers work together with other team members in presenting a Liturgy of the Word that has been designed for children from kindergarten through thrid grade. Training and materials are provided and each team is asked to participate on Sunday each month.
Communion Services
Communion Service/Rosary prayers are held once a week in three senior housing locations: Smith Crossing and Evergreen in Orland Park and Clarendale in Mokena. Training for volunteers is provided.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers (EMs) of Holy Communion receive training to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. EMs will be scheduled once or twice per month and most be practicing Catholics. To volunteer contact the parish office.
Funeral Coordinator
Funeral Coordinators are trained members of the parish who assist families who have lost a loved one. They aid in arranging the details for the various liturgical services offered and act as a liaison with the parish, clergy and staff.
Lectors minister the presence of God and proclaim the Scripture readings in a way that reminds us that God's word is as alive today as it was in ancient times. Important attributes of an effective lector include a strong clear voice, excellent reading ability, large group presentation skills, a sound understanding of the Biblical message and a fervent love of the Scriptures. Lectors must be practicing Catholics. They are assigned to read at a Mass about once a month and must spend additional time preparing prior to each of their scheduled Masses. To volunteer contact the parish office.
The Sacristan is responsible for carefully arranging the liturgical books, the vestments and other items necessary in the celebration of Mass. The Sacristan, in harmony with the Pastor, also makes sure the church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition.
Wedding Coordinator
The wedding coordinator helps lead the rehearsal on the night before the wedding, which involves walking through the procession and the liturgy. On the day of the wedding, the coordinator assists in preparing the space for the bridal party and handles other logistical issues. To volunteer contact Erica at
Volunteers are need to be ushers who welcome parishioners and visitors to our place of worship. Ushers assist people with searing and taking up the Offertory collection. Ushers provide a tremendous sense of hospitality by making our visitors and parishioners feel at home and welcome during our Eucharistic celebrations. To volunteer contact the parish office.
We always welcome instrumentalists/musicians to join our music ministry at any of our weekend and holy day liturgies. Instrumentalists rehearse in conjunction with whichever musical group they wish to participate, so rehearsal times and days will vary. Instrumentalists are required to be proficient in their instrument. While transposition skills are a benefit, they are not a requirement. We are always welcoming of the following instruments: violin, cello, flute and trumpet. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
St. Mary Adult Choir
Contact for more information on being part of the St. Mary Adult Choir.
St. Mary Cantors
Cantors are individual singers who will either lead the psalm and alleluia at a choral Mass or will lead all the hymns and Mass parts at a cantor only Mass. The cantor will rehearse briefly each week alongside the other cantors and will be expected to do their preparation mostly at home. An audition is required to be a cantor. If you enjoy singing and think you'd like to lead the congregation in song, being a cantor might be the right thing for you. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Masses: Individually scheduled at any of the following Sunday Mass times: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.
St. Mary Children's Choir
The children's choir is open to all children ages 5 and up and sing at 9:30 Mass twice per month. For more information or to join please contact
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
All are welcome to pray with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at Old St. Mary, any time of day. If you need the code to enter, please call the parish office at (708) 326-9300. To signup for a regular adoration hour, please click here and choose "Weekly Commitment."
St. Peregrine Devotion
St. Peregrine is known throughout the world as the patron saint of those who suffer from cancer and other incurable diseases. Through this devotion we accompany caregivers and those persons who live with a serious illness, especially cancer, as they seek to find healing, support, peace and God in their daily lives.
Meet: Fourth Thursdayday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the chapel.
Adult Volunteers
There are many opportunities for parents to volunteer throughout the year. Volunteers are a welcome addition to our school community. Parents can volunteer for events that are family focused, student focused, faculty and staff focused, fellowship focused and fundraising focused. If you are interested in leadership opportunities you can discern for positions on the School Board, PTC and Athletic Board.
All adult volunteers will need to complete a background check and participate in the Protecting God's Children workshop. With questions about these requirements, please contact Erica at
For a complete list of opportunities, visit the St. Mary school website, or contact our school secretary who will put you in touch with the correct contact.
High School (9th - 12th Grade)
Youth Ministry is intended to form intentional disciples in our modern world by equipping the students for a lifetime and joy-filled commitment to Christ and His Church through regular service opportunities, retreats, mission trips, conferences, prayer, learning, fellowship and fun. Youth Ministry is a growing and exciting place for our youth to get together and form lasting friendships with each other and the Lord. Contact for more information.
Meet: Sundays 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the church hall
Youth Ministry Volunteers
Adult volunteers are always welcome to help grow these young disciples. Whether your gifts are in the area of faith sharing, food preparation, organization, clerical skills, intercessory prayer or just being present to young people, we ask you to prayerfully consider if the Lord may be inviting you to be a youth ministry volunteer.
If you would like to volunteer in any of the ministries listed above, please submit your information to the right and we will contact you with more information.