"Know, O Christian, that the Mass is
the holiest act of religion.
You cannot do anything to glorify God more,
nor profit your soul more,
than by devoutly assisting at it,
and assisting as often as possible."
St. Peter Julian Eymard
What is a Liturgical Minister?
A Liturgical Minister refers to someone who assists at Mass. Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Altar Servers are Liturgical Ministers. If you are interested in serving in one of these ministries please contact our Liturgy Coordinator, Bob Cornejo, at bcornejo@stmarymokena.org.
Altar Server
Parish children, once they are in 5th grade, may volunteer to be an altar server. Altar servers receive proper training prior to assisting the priest during weekend Masses and other special occasions. Servers carry the processional cross and candles, present the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, and perform other duties to assist the priest or deacon as necessary. To volunteer contact bcornejo@stmarymokena.org.
Art & Environment
This group designs and creates the environment for worship. Volunteers assist mostly at Easter and Christmas to prepare the worship space. Talent is not absolutely necessary as there are other tasks as well. To volunteer contact wembleydrive@comcast.net.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers (EMs) of Holy Communion receive training to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. EMs will be scheduled once or twice per month and most be practicing Catholics. To volunteer contact bcornejo@stmarymokena.org.
Funeral Coordinator
Funeral Coordinators are trained members of the parish who assist families who have lost a loved one. They aid in arranging the details for the various liturgical services offered and act as a liaison with the parish, clergy and staff.
Lectors minister the presence of God and proclaim the Scripture readings in a way that reminds us that God's word is as alive today as it was in ancient times. Important attributes of an effective lector include a strong clear voice, excellent reading ability, large group presentation skills, a sound understanding of the Biblical message and a fervent love of the Scriptures. Lectors must be practicing Catholics. They are assigned to read at a Mass about once a month and must spend additional time preparing prior to each of their scheduled Masses. To volunteer contact bcornejo@stmarymokena.org.
The Sacristan is responsible for carefully arranging the liturgical books, the vestments and other items necessary in the celebration of Mass. The Sacristan, in harmony with the Pastor, also makes sure the church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition. Assistance is needed for funerals, weddings, and special Masses.
Wedding Coordinator
The wedding coordinator helps lead the rehearsal on the night before the wedding, which involves walking through the procession and the liturgy. On the day of the wedding, the coordinator assists in preparing the space for the bridal party and handles other logistical issues. To volunteer contact Theresa at tfarias@stmarymokena.org.
Volunteers are need to be ushers who welcome parishioners and visitors to our place of worship. Ushers assist people with searing and taking up the Offertory collection. Ushers provide a tremendous sense of hospitality by making our visitors and parishioners feel at home and welcome during our Eucharistic celebrations. To volunteer contact bcornejo@stmarymokena.org.
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy of the Word is held during 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass from October through early May. Volunteers work together with other team members in presenting a Liturgy of the Word that has been designed for children from kindergarten through third grade. Training and materials are provided and each team is asked to participate on Sunday each month.
Quick Links for Current Liturgical Ministers
Spring 2020 Schedule for Liturgical Ministers
Protocols for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion