Resources for Learning the Saints

Resources for Learning

About the Saints

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us…” -Hebrews 12:1

Resources for Children

What do heroes do?

Do they fight monsters? Sometimes, but they also hold the hands of people who are sick and lonely. They build schools. They study the planets. They forgive those who have harmed them. Heroes are people who look at the world around them, see what needs to be done, and through the grace of God find the strength to help others.
In the thirty-six stories in Loyola Kids Book of Heroes, you’ll meet a Catholic nun who stood up to the most infamous outlaw in the Old West. You’ll learn how entire villages of men and women devoted their lives to building great cathedrals to show their love and respect for God. You’ll learn about John the Baptist, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Charlemagne, St. Albert the Great, Dorothy Day, St. Patrick, and many others. Most of all, you’ll learn that with God’s help anyone can be a hero and make the world a better place.

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Performing Miracles. Facing Wild Lions. Confronting Demons. Transforming the World.


From Augustine to Mother Teresa, officially canonized as St. Teresa of Calcutta, discover seventy of the best-known and best-loved saints and read their riveting stories.
Meet Joan of Arc, whose transcendent faith compelled her to lead an army when the king’s courage failed. Francis of Assisi, whose gentleness tamed a man-eating wolf. Valentine, a bishop in the time of ancient Rome, who spoke so often of Christ’s love that his saint’s day, February 12, has been associated with courtly love since the Middle Ages. St. Thomas Aquinas, the great teacher. Peter Claver, who cared for hundreds of thousands of people on slave ships after their voyage as captives. And Bernadette, whose vision of Mary instructed her to dig the spring that became the healing waters of Lourdes.

Each saint is illustrated in a dramatic and stylized full-color portrait, and included in every entry are the saint’s dates, location, emblems, feast days, and patronage. Taken together, these stories create a rich, inspiring, and entertaining history of faith and courage. For kids age 10 and up.

A perfect gift for Confirmation.

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At a time when our children desperately need authentic heroes, Catholic Saints for Children holds up well-known giants of our faith for young readers to be inspired by and imitate.

Simple, engaging texts highlight these saints' fascinating lives. Accompanied by memorable watercolor illustrations, each delightful account models heroic love for God. A prayer for the particular gifts for which these saints are known follows each inspirational story. Thirty saints lives in total.

Included in this volume:
• Blessed Virgin Mary • Joseph • Peter • Paul • Augustine • Genevieve • Benedict • Hildegard of Bingen • Dominic• Francis of Assisi • Louis • Rita • Catherine of Siena • Joan of Arc • Ignatius of Loyola • Teresa of Ávila • Philip Neri • Vincent de Paul • John-Baptist de La Salle • Kateri Tekakwitha • John Vianney • Frédéric Ozanam • John Bosco • Bernadette • Charles de Foucauld • Thérèse, the Little Flower • Maximilian Kolbe • Pier Giorgio Frassati • Mother Teresa • John Paul II

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Heroes of the Faith. The Stories of real-life Saints & Christian Heroes all come to life in CCC of America's award-winning animated film series. Featuring authentic role models today's child can truly believe in.

Saints and Heroes Collection is a free website and app where you can stream dynamic talks, books, and videos for all ages.

Visit to create a free account!

“How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been; how gloriously different are the saints.”

-C.S. Lewis

Resources for Teens & Adults

Whatever you're struggling with, you're not alone: there's a saint who is not only praying for you before the throne of God, but who went through the same thing you're going through. In Saintly Solutions, Fr. Joseph Esper introduces you to over 350 saints who suffered in ways that you and I suffer every day, and who will bring you, too, to peace!

Fr. Esper considers over forty of life's common problems, showing how saints overcame these challenges and difficulties, and even grew holier as they did so. Better yet, he explains how you can, too.

In each chapter, Fr. Esper includes thought-provoking quotes from saints for further reflection, a practical section entitled Something you might try, and solid recommendations for further reading. That makes Saintly Solutions immensely valuable for everyone who struggles with life's common problems and wants to face them with the unquenchable joy of the saints!

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